Playing musical instruments and singing are one of the courses that you can take in music schools. But, not all schools have complete courses. In the music school in Hong Kong, they offer different types of music courses, such as:

  • Pop and rock music courses
  • Vocal music courses
  • Classic music courses
  • Digital music courses
  • Music theory courses
  • Children’s courses and more

These are a few of the list of music courses that you can enroll in music school hong kong.

Pop and rock music courses

A type of music course where you can learn to play musical instruments. It covers different courses that you may be interested in:

  • Acoustic guitar courses
  • Electric guitar courses
  • Pop singing courses
  • Beatbox courses
  • Drum courses
  • Pop piano courses
  • Ukulele courses
  • Bass guitar courses
  • Fingerstyle courses
  • Cajon courses
  • Keyboard courses
  • Harmonica courses and more

These are the courses that you can enroll in. A lot of people are interested to play musical instruments, yet it takes time to make DIY learning. Why not enroll in a music school to learn to play your favorite music instrument in just a month. Yes, many students have enrolled and can play the instrument in just a month.

The vocal music courses

Many are interested in singing, but they don’t have that golden voice as they say. Is there a golden voice? Well, whether it is true or not, the important thing here is you have that singing voice. A lot of popular singers nowadays are now inborn singers, they just enroll in vocal music courses to enhance their singing skills.

Vocal music courses come in different areas:

  • Vocal courses
  • Harmonies courses
  • A Capella courses

For those beginners, you can take vocal courses first as your prerequisite to start singing. The vocal music course involved these areas:

  1. Vocal technique
  2. Voice projection
  3. Phonation
  4. Air support and breathing
  5. Vocal resonance
  6. Performance style
  7. Expression
  8. Performance posture
  9. Falsetto and head voice
  10. Hundreds of musical and classical pieces

The classical music courses

They say that classical music courses are boring courses. Who says that? Did you know that classical music is considered a unique course? Yes, there are only a few who want to take the courses compared to the pop and rock music courses. What is their reason? Classical music courses are not as popular as pop and rock music, but these can be witnessed in a big event.

Here are a few of the classical music courses:

  • Violin course
  • Saxophone course
  • Flute course
  • Oboe course
  • Trumpet course and more

For you, which music course would you prefer to enroll in and master?