Music keeps us entertained and happy. It releases hormones that evoke emotion out of us. If the music we hear is happy, then we become joyful and sing with it. If it’s sad and we can relate to it, we cry, become forlorn, and we feel a bit gloomy too. That’s why music is an essential part of our lives. So people want to learn how to play musical instruments to create music that can speak to the soul. And the human brain can benefit from learning musical instruments because it strengthens our capacity to learn.
Many Children Learn Playing the Piano at a Young Age
Many parents enroll their children in music schools in hopes of learning a musical instrument or two, such as the piano. Or you may want to purchase a musical keyboard for your child to practice at home. Check out Tom Lee Music for their available pianos and keyboards. Let’s learn what kind of benefits your child can get from learning the piano.
Keeps Memory Sharp & Improves Brain Processing
Children have so much to learn, especially since their brains are maturing. They say that 90% of brain growth happens before kindergarten, which is around five years old. So it’s best to start your children young and have them learn an instrument, such as the piano. And if they continue to play the piano even if they’re old, it will keep their memory sharp and prevent a decline in their brain processing. Plus, it does wonders with preventing hearing loss! That’s why older adults are told to keep playing the piano if they could.
Improves Self-Esteem
Many children, especially younger ones, tend to be shy or introverted during the first few lessons they have with their piano teachers. But as they progress and become better with the musical instrument, they become more excited and instantly have life. They light up the room because they’re proud of themselves for learning an instrument that’s difficult to master. And through music, they grow to get the confidence they need. That’s why many performers are not afraid to showcase their talents when being asked.
Children Perform Much Better at School
Many studies have shown that children who developed their rhythm skills early on also perform academically better in school. That’s because children who learn piano enhanced their verbal memory than others who’re not well-versed with playing the piano. And it may well contribute to their easy learning when in school. Plus, kids learn how to focus on new things when they learn to play the piano. That means they are getting ready for the overall structure of schooling.