Now a day, people are addicted to various movies and TV shows. So many movies are been released every year and they are not the same. Every producer or director tries to bring movies with exceptional stories and extra-ordinary one! With the advancement of technology the producer tries to create something unique with out of the box idea. Most of the youngsters and people fall in this prey, making them addicted to these movies. Gone are the days where only few movies were released like in 90s, now you find movies of every kind.
If you are addicted to watch movies for free online or show then you need to first accept that you are addicted and make commitment to yourself to change your behavior in order to enjoy your life more and out the movie characters.
Tips to get out of your movie or TV addiction
- Spend extra time with charity: Feeling of gratitude is always good. You feel good when you help or spend time with someone needed or lonely. If you have extra TV in your home try to donate them to some charity organization or school and allow yourselfto have only one TV in your room. This will help you to limit your TV or movie time.
- Watch only a particular show/movie:Avoid yourself to watch only a particular show or movies. Don’t watch unnecessary movies just because you are its free. If you want to watch a movie online try watching a worthwhile movies, surf on the Internet to find a good movie.
- Set Time: unable to leave your device from watching movies or difficult to detach your device from your eyesight. One of idea to free you from watching too many shows is to set a timer, have a timer set on your device like your smartphone, laptop or tablet. Timer sound will help you to know the time you have been watching and signals you to get out of the place or chair.
- Dinner Time – as per the research it is advised to turn on your TV or to avoid using laptop or smartphone. The best practice is to have your dinner with your family on the dining table, making you to spend the valuable time of the day with closed ones.
- Set Rule – make a time table and practice it everyday. Have a plan for activities like walking, travelling, visiting nearby paces you like, some health activities. Try to spend atleast an hour on these activities. Try to also connect yourself to the world around you.
- Plan for week- take some time out and sit down, plan for the coming week, decide on the movies you want to watch for the week or shows. Once planned follow the plan don’t just make and keep, put it into practice.
These are some tips that will certainly help you to change your life if addicted to TV.