What does a website survive on? Fans, subscribers, their love and trust. And, how do they gain all of these? By sharing, communicating and interacting with those who follow them. Today, a website, to achieve success, has to indulge in all of these and some more. There are countless websites on the online world and attracting the attention of fans and building a fan base takes hard work and patience and a lot of communication.
You must come across countless videos each time you scroll down your Facebook Feed. Have you seen how they attract attention with their uniqueness? There may be videos of animals, craft ideas, cookery videos sharing recipes as well as fashion brands sharing their latest styles and new trends. All of these belong to various websites that keep sharing these videos in a bid to interact with their subscribers and share with them their latest content.
A Facebook Page of NOW Entertainment shares their link through their Page, as well as invitations to join their mailing list through which they get in touch with their subscribers. A Facebook Page has great potential to increase traffic to a website provided they use it to its full advantage.
By sharing videos on their Facebook Page, websites can attract new audience with the entertainment. And, sharing videos is really easy.
All you need to do is add ‘Video’ to the Page by using the ‘Video’ option under the share feature. Select the option ‘to upload a video’ ,then from your hard drive choose the video you wish to share and then click on the upload button. Do not forget to add some information about the video before you click on ‘Share’.
The Call-to-action button on your Facebook Page will help your subscribers and new fans to communicate with you after viewing your videos. These buttons are the most important ones on a Facebook Page after the ‘Like’ buttons. For it is only through interaction that your fans can get to know you and you, them.
Do be regular in replying to the audience through comments either on the Facebook Page, itself, or on the website. And, that brings us to the website where you need to share fresh content on a regular basis. Each time a visitor clicks on the link to your website through the Facebook Page to check out the website, he is bound to stop and look around. Having a blog where new stories, or new information regarding your website is shared, like on the NOW Entertainment site, helps keep the audience updated.
For a website to succeed, it is very necessary to make use of such means like the Facebook Pages. Letting the videos you share work for you and for increasing the traffic to your website is what will improve your SEO rankings.