
Streaming movies is a hobby for most people that want to save the time and expense of having to go to the cinema. When you want to stream a movie, you have several options. You can either go to a reputable movie streaming website, or you can look for a site that gives you free downloads. In both cases you will need to have special software to make sure that you are no blocked or locked out from these websites as some countries stop you from streaming and some websites only allow you to stream their movies from a certain country.

We will talk about the different types of websites out there that you can stream movies from. We will also take a look at how you can get around some of the restriction that are set on these sites that may prevent you watching them. To finish off, we will show a way that you can use to get around these restrictions.

Movie Websites with a Subscription

When you use a website that comes with its own subscription, then you are effectively legally streaming movies in most cases. Just make sure the website is a well-known site like HBO Now website. You may have some issues with this site if you are not in the right location, and therefore you should look into using a proxy IP or a VPN to make sure you connect to the correct geo location for HBO.

There are many websites out there that will geo restrict your movie browsing and HBO is well-know for only being available in the USA, and therefore you will need to find a way to connect using an IP address from the United States of America.

Movies Using Streaming Websites

There are a lot of websites out there such as Putlocker that will allow you to stream the latest movies for free without a subscription. They generally use servers like the Open Load server, which is very popular.

These websites are not strictly legal because a lot of them use what are known as CAMs to show movies that are available in the cinema, but they are currently not available on DVD. Some people cannot wait to see the movie and do not mind the bad quality that comes with watching a CAM film. They know the film is currently available in the cinema, but they would rather watch it sooner instead of later.

It is highly suggested that you watch the DVD version of all films in order to get the best quality from the film that you watch.

The only issue with some of these websites is that some countries block them because of the copyright’s laws in that country. Most of the time it is the Internet Service Provider that will block you. In this case you should look into services such as VPN pour Netflix, which will allow you to bypass any restriction so you can watch any movie you want form any website from any location in the world.