event space

Are you thinking of hosting a party or event and are you looking for a creative and unique space to host an event? Then there are many event space for birthday and other activity venues available to rent for all kinds of private events including parties, corporate events, baby showers and intimate gatherings or receptions. It offers affordable rental options and even a rooftop bar in those places you really need to feel the need to host an unforgettable party that your guests will never forget!

Event space: variants and details

While most ballrooms or party venues in Singapore can be slate blanks to decorate and remodel from scratch, small ballrooms now have that special touch perfect for sparking conversation among your attendees. Each floor of the museum is decorated in a contemporary style. With a different collection featuring a mix of familiar nostalgia and hip pop culture on every level, your guests are sure to love it and talk about it at the end of the night!

There are a variety of spaces to choose for event space for birthday or reception events and configurations, including a variety of first floor options for refreshing al fresco drinks and a rooftop bar where you can relax and enjoy the view with your guests are able to enjoy. The rooms can accommodate from 20 to 50 guests, so you can host an intimate event with your loved ones or even a pop-up exhibition with creative and artistic creations of your own choosing. You can even schedule a duet event to showcase your own unique collection while enjoying an intimate party with friends and family.

event space for birthday

How to Search for a good Event Venue?                                              

Finding the right venue for your event can take up quite a bit of your time. Thankfully, there are a few shortcuts to help you save time:

  • You can Contact the area’s local Convention & Visitors Bureau to inquire about venues that is according to your best suit and needs.
  • You can search on event listing websites, such as 10times, eventful, etc., find similar local events to yours and see where they host events.
  • Use an online tool, such as Peer space, Unique Venues, Event Up. They help you find many venues to find the one right for you.

If you are interested in hosting a one-off event at our premises, such as a ceremony or baby shower, you should definitely do this.